Cast Bronze Caduceus

This Symbolic Sculpture was presented to Professor Peter Herdson in November 1978 at an informal gathering to mark the opening of the Pathology Building. It was commissioned to acknowledge Professor Herdson's contribution to the design and construction of the Pathology Department's building within the Auckland Hospital development. The sculpture incorporates several concepts.
'Caduseus' Bronze Sculpture.
The first is the Maori Manaia which evokes the essential nature of man, his relationship to the Earth, to the Universe and to his Ancestors . The academic and clinical aspects are represented by the black jade 'Pearl of Knowledge and Wisdom' guarded over by the balancing forces of positive and negative, light and dark, life and death. Fine, Black jade selected due to it's values of 'courage', 'wisdom', 'justice', 'truth', and 'purity'.
Height ..... 26"
Bronze Sirens
Bronze 'Emergence'

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